I just haven't been in the mood to cook lately. I haven't been planning my menus & I haven't been very frugal when shopping. Oh, that needs to change!
So, its 5 o'clock & NOTHING is planned for supper. The hubby asks me what I have planned. Um....... yeah. So I go scrounging through the cabinets. The beginning of the month gets a little hairy because I usually haven't went to the store on my monthly shopping trip yet.
Hmmm, chicken? Again?
Sure, why not?
I found a bowl of Sesame Teriyaki Noodles (which was an individual bowl - but I knew the kids wouldn't eat them so no worries), added carrots & mushrooms and popped it in the microwave.
I also threw a few frozen chicken egg rolls into the oven.
And viola! Supper thrown together without much thought but was still yummy enough for Justin to agree to take it for lunch tomorrow.
Frozen egg rolls??? Can you buy something like that or is it something you made previously
Ooh, that looks SO yummy and easy! Thanks!
This does sound yummy! I agree that menu-planning is a time saver, but it's nice when a good meal comes together even without the planning! Ya done good, girl!
Congrats on making a meal that was successful all round! Creativity is key. Best Regards, Wendy http://wendybottrell.com UBC
Congrats on your creavivity. Best Regards, Wendy http://wendybottrell.com
Sounds easy enough! May need to try this in the future.
Sounds simple enough - may need to try this one in the future.
This looks yummy. I love when good meals come together from the cupboard/freezer!
That sounds soooo good just about now!
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