I've been on a "oh woe is me" kick lately. I really don't think Austin & Makenzie like me as much as they like their daddy. Makes sense. I am with them ALL day long. I do most of the fussing, correcting, punishing, etc. I teach & reteach lesson after lesson. I have to tell them "Be patient, I'm helping ____". I remind them to clean up their messes. I ask them to help in the house. Then daddy comes home...... YEAH! Its play time. He gets to watch T.V. with them while I grade papers & clean up school. He wrestles with them while I feed Logan. He pushes them on the swing while I cook supper. He reads them a book while I put Logan to bed.
Yes, I can understand why he is their favorite right now, but it still hurts. Oh, I know they love me, but it doesn't change how I feel.
Then God said "HELLO, sound familiar..." Huh, what do you mean Lord?
How many other things do I put before God? How many times have I chosen something else instead of what He wanted me to do? How often does He feel unloved by me? Oh, I SAY that I love Him, but does that help after I have hurt His feelings?
Thank you Lord, yet again, for using my kids to teach me!
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very nice post
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