Thursday, March 8, 2012

Red, Yellow, Black, & White...

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world

As little kids, we are taught this old song. Its still true today! And its not just about "little children". We are all God's children!

Last night, we met a missionary from West Africa. This man was just about as dark in skin color as they come & he was a little difficult to understand, but he is one of God's beloved children just as I am. He sang a native song about the blessings of God. As he was singing, I couldn't help but think about what a joy that song was to God's ears. When we get to Heaven one day, we will all be singing praises to God in a new language!

Then today, as we were playing at the college playground, we met a special young man. Colby is 8 years old & has Down Syndrome. As I was talking to his grandmother, Austin & Makenzie welcomed him in & treated him as any other playmate.

As we were leaving, Austin looked at me & said "That was fun!" My heart overflowed with joy!

Yet again, I pictured Heaven full of men, women, boys, & girls every color, every nationality, every culture. Some with "normal" minds & bodies, some with "special" minds & bodies. Each with their own problems & heartaches. Healed of whatever issue that they have dealt with during their brief lives.


Makes me look forward to Heaven even more!

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