Some people know exactly what they want to be from day one. And that's great. Those people have found their passion & have fought tooth & nail to make those dreams come true.
Some people bounce back & forth between ideas, schools, & jobs, yet still they have no clue what they really want to do in life. They just end up working whatever job pays more. And many of them are happy that way.
Some people start on one path in life only to be derailed or rerouted somewhere else. It's not what they expected, planned, or even wanted, but they learn that the new path is just as good, if not better, than the original.
For so many years, when asked about what I do, I found myself saying "I'm just a mom" or "I'm just a substitute teacher". When asked about my life, I usually end up talking about my kids or my husband. Afterall, who they are or what they do seems so much more interesting than what I do.
But I've realized that I am more! I am more than just a mom. I am Austin, Makenzie, & Logan's mom! Someone else might be "more qualified" or more efficient. But no one could ever love them more! God handpicked me, ME to be their mom.
I am more than just a preacher's wife, a paramedic's wife. I am Justin's wife. God joined our hearts together 20 years ago so we could walk hand in hand through this journey.
And although I still may just be "the sub" for the day, I absolutely love my job. I love so many of those kids like they were my own & I know they love me as well. Where else can you walk through the door & get bombarded by teenagers happy to see you? Certainly not your own house most days.
So whatever your title, whether it be a Doctor, a Lawyer, a Trash Collector, a Maintenance Man, a Mom, a Dad, wear that title with honor & know that God has a plan for your life. He has handpicked YOU to do things that NO ONE else can do.
I'm thankful that God has allowed me to be a mom, a wife, & a sub. It may not mean anything to you, but it sure does me.