Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 We've said it over & over for months now. 

I can't wait for 2020 to be over.

2021 has got to be better, right?

Less than two weeks into the new year & nothing is better. 

But things have changed, haven't they?

The numbers are still being thrown at us left and right.

The warnings, the social distancing, the masks, the restrictions.

The FEAR is still being drilled into our heads until many of us are losing sleep and many of us are no longer the same people that we used to be.

The virus is still looming large.

But on top of that, our country is going completely crazy.

We have watched for months now as crazy people rioted, looted, destroyed, fought, and burned things to get attention. We've watched as one side battled against another side to get their point across. We've watched as our nation has become even more divided on just about every issue you can think of. 

Now just last week, we watched as the Capitol was infiltrated.

I feel like I am in the middle of a really bad movie.

I'm done with it, can we stop filming yet.

Where is the director? I need someone to click the little scene marker & yell CUT.

I'm trying really hard though! 

I know that God has a purpose and a plan. 

I know that everything happens in His time & in His will, but it's really hard to sit back & trust that plan right now.

The Bible tells us that times will get worse before Jesus returns to earth.

I'm not sure how much worse it will be & I'm not sure exactly what we will have to endure.

I don't care how secure you are with your salvation, that's a hard concept to swallow.

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