Monday, August 20, 2012

Tales of a Homeschool Nothing ~ A Brand New Year

We started back to school today.

What, wait, how did that happen? Where did the summer go? It seems like only last week we were wrapping up last year.

Oh but yes, it is that time again.

We have tried to run by a 6 week schedule before, but never really stuck to it. I'm trying again this year. I have already planned our lessons for the 1st 6 weeks in most subjects (some have even been planned for the whole year!) Yes, you should be shocked! Last year, I was frantically planning the week ahead at 11:30 on Sunday night.

We had a decent day & I only raised my voice one time (during school, that is). I got the basics accomplished for both of the kids - math, language arts, history, reading, & even art. I remembered to take some pictures, but not nearly enough. On top of it all, we were even finished by lunchtime. Yeah! I will add in our history cards & Latin next week. And hopefully, we will get our actual school pics done soon.

Logan thought we should "study" him.
We keep our library books in this box.
But wait, I deserve a few more stars today. I cooked breakfast, washed dishes (dishwasher & by hand), washed 3 loads of laundry & have most of it put away, cooked lunch, cut out coupons, ran 3 miles, showered, & made a quick trip to Walmart.

Today was a beautiful morning
for watermelon on the back porch.

If you are a homeschool mom or even a stay at home mom, you KNOW the significance of this list. Now the only thing I really want is to go to bed.

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