Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Few Things I Have Learned This Month

As many of you know, I have been participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge this month. It has been an experience, that's for sure.

The Ultimate Blog Challenge was simply a call for bloggers everywhere who wanted to increase their traffic, who wanted to push their creativity, who wanted something more. We were asked to post 31 times during the month of July and then share these posts in certain places. We were also asked to comment on other people's blog posts everyday.

Let me share a few things that I have taken away with me from this challenge.

1. I don't like the demands of having to write everyday. I'm a pretty laid back person & over the past few years, I have had the privilege of not having to be on anyone else's schedule. I've learned that I don't like the pressure of set in stone schedules anymore.

2. Not everyone plays by the rules. No matter what you do in life, there will be those who buck the system, & want to do things their own way. (This coming from the former public school employee turned homeschool advocate! LOL)

3. Not every person who writes has something interesting to say.

4. Not every blogger out there will appeal to everyone who stumbles across their page. I've read some interesting things this month, but some of them didn't pertain to me at all.

5. Not every challenge issued is worth pursuing. I'm not saying that this one wasn't, but some people jump on any train that happens to travel by them.

6. Temporary increase is good but does it have staying power? Sure, my comment box has been flooded this month, but how many of those people are going to stick around now that July is over?

7. Even though we were sent daily reminders & tips on what to post, no one can tell me what to write about. I write from my heart. My husband compares it to his preaching. A lot of what I write about is strictly inspiration from God, the remainder is just the insanity of my life.

8. I will probably never reach blogger stardom. If I can just really reach out to those few loyal readers, I am completely ok with that.

9. Sometimes life is boring & I have nothing to say.

10. Whether or not I will try out the next UBC, only time will tell. Yeah, I probably will, but I'll do it with all of these other things in mind.

My sole reason for starting this blog a few years ago was so that hopefully I could encourage other people struggling through certain aspects of their lives. I want to glorify God in all aspects of my life. Am I doing that? Have I made someone's day a little brighter? Have I shown others they are not alone in their journeys?

I hope so, or else I am wasting mine & many other people's precious time.

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