Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Keep Calm & Just BREATH

I witnessed something the other day that I have never seen before. My child passed out!

I'm not talking about from sickness, from stress, or from over working the body. I'm talking about from pitching a holy fit, holding your breath until your fingers turn blue, falling out in the floor, & hitting your head passed out.

I'll give you one guess which child it was too.

If you guessed that the child with the major temper issue was Logan, give yourself a cookie. My sweet baby has turned into a screaming banshee.

Now, he has done this 1 other time, but nothing quite like this. Justin & I just stood there watching as he held onto the chair and slowly went down. I told him to breathe like I always do when he gets mad. It was almost comical. (No, I am NOT a sadist & YES, I most certainly DO love my children! But I have NEVER, nor will I start, catering to their every whim!)

As soon as he hit the floor, I picked him up to love on him & calm him back down.

I hope this is not an indication of what the future holds!


Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar said...

The things that parents have to put up with. I have two kids, and while my daughter never gave me a moment's trouble, my little son does seem to think his mother could do with some adventure in her life.

I think your blog looks lovely. I especially like your blog name, GRACE - God's riches at Christ's expense.
So true.

Dawn said...

My SIL used to bang her head on the floor. Seriously. Strange. LOL (I wasn't around at that time.) I have heard of other children doing this. Hugs to you mom for not giving in! Blessings!

Divorced Doodling said...

Have come here from UBC
I feel for you. My eldest child used to do that. She's twenty eight now - so as you can see, we've all survived it. But it's tough while it's happening. That's exactly the best way to handle it - not give in and still be loving.
Lovely blog :)

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