Monday, July 1, 2013

The Church of Tomorrow...

Yesterday was youth Sunday at church. I'm not sure how long this has been going on, when this tradition got started, or even how widely it is practiced. But since I was a little girl, the youth of the church take over leadership positions every 5th Sunday. This not only teaches our kids the need for serving God, but it also helps them with public speaking.

Our youth is often called "the church of tomorrow". Yes, that may be so, but they are also the church of today. The lessons they are taught & the leaders that they follow, will have a huge impact on their lives down the road.

My favorite preacher (next to my husband, of course) made a special  appearance today. My pastor for the majority of my life, Felman Cheek was our "young" preacher today. After many years of being a pastor and running revivals, he admitted to getting more calls now than ever to preach to the youth.

God isn't through with him yet. There aren't many men like pastor Felman left. Too many preachers and Christians today are wishy washy & don't take a stand for what they believe in. They are more interested in gaining friends and making everyone feel good.

Our youth NEED to hear the truth! They NEED to be taught that the God we serve is not old fashion! The God we serve is still very much alive!

If the leaders of today are not doing that, WHERE does that leave the children of tomorrow?!?!


Anonymous said...

While I don't share your views, I appreciate your passion. It's good to be exposed to and allow a variety of perspectives. Rock on!

Unknown said...

It's not just pastors that don't take a stay - I see it in a lot of businesses. It's almost like everyone wants to be liked. We need to take a stand on what we believe in and teach not only our children but our friends as well.

Susan said...

AMEN! You are so right! I belong to a church that is experiencing explosive growth in the very-liberal Austin, TX. Our pastor preaches the truth, straight from the Bible, with no "fluff." Not "fire and brimstone," but grace, love and forgiveness. Thanks for being bold and sharing your heart!

Anonymous said...

Well said my friend! Great post:) I look forward to seeing more from you!

The Provision Room said...

Even as I kid I rejected the notion of "you are the church of tomorrow." If we are in Christ, we are the Church of today--regardless of age! Young people don't get a junior Holy Spirit. ;-)

So many young people throughout our faith history have been powerful leaders--from kings in the OT to Paul's disciple Timothy to saints such as Joan of Arc.

We must always, always be careful not to place limits where the Lord hasn't placed them.

Good thoughts in this post! THANKS!

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